Jubileumssatsningar / Coronablommor
13 October 2021

With his work, Geert Van der Vossen wanted to make room for reflection, consideration and memories. The artwork Coronablommor was shown in Stora Hamnkanalen from 28 May to 15 November 2021.

About Geert van der Vossen

Geert van der Vossen is a Dutch artist who began working with iron at the age of 14. During his school years, he learned vaious techniques for machining metal and eventually graduated as a mechanical engineer. When he moved to Sweden in 2013, he picked up the craft with iron again and today he has a smithy in Broddetorp in Skaraborg. Geert’s goal is to create unexpected, unusual three-dimensional shapes with the least possible environmental impact, which make people reflect, marvel and laugh.

Photo: Marie Ullnert

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